Tuesday, March 16, 2010

AJ 6

For those of you that know me well know that there are few things in life that I really enjoy; Lauren, Family, basketball, and shoes. Shoes you say. That seems odd, but I have always enjoyed shoes and especially ones that pertain to my other favorite thing, basketball. Yes I can't get enough of basketball shoes.
In the third grade I got my favorite pair of basketball shoes ever, the Air Jordan VI. I loved them and the problem with having nice shoes as a third grader is that your feet still grow rapidly and I wasn't able to have them for a long time.
A couple of weeks ago while browsing I saw the Jordan VI in a size 12 rereleased. Thanks to my wonderful wife, she got my dream shoes for me. Imagine my joy. She doesn't quite understand why I needed another pair of shoes, but even though she doesn't understand she got them for me any way. Thanks babe.


McGuire's said...

So surprised LA & DEV had a new post! You two are perfect for eachother. Makes me so happy. I should make Garrett happy with new bball shoes.

Sierra and Ryan said...

Lauren is the freakin best! And we miss you both, I think seeing these shoes is a good excuse to get togeher :)

Denise said...

Those are so you, Devan. You are one very lucky guy!!